
Wellness Coaching

Support Personal Growth and Authenticity

   - Encourage clients to explore their authenticity, identify personal core values, and set meaningful goals aligned with their true selves.

   -Promote self-discovery, self-acceptance, and personal growth, allowing clients to live authentically and embrace their unique identities.

Cultivate Holistic Well-being

   - Provide evidence-based coaching techniques and resources to help clients enhance their physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Foster Mind-Body-Spirit Connection

   - Facilitate practices and techniques that encourage clients to integrate mind, body, and spirit to foster a deeper sense of connection and well-being.

Promote Resilience and Stress Management

   - Equip clients with effective tools and strategies to manage stress, build resilience, cultivate emotional well-being, enhance self-care practices, and navigate challenges.

Measure and Celebrate Progress

   - Establish measurable indicators of success to track clients' progress, celebrate achievements, and provide ongoing support to maintain wellness goals.


Our webinar aims to empower high-achieving individuals to achieve optimal health and wellness through a holistic approach. Guided by Ripple's founder and wellness coach, Kevin Masek, participants will learn practical strategies to align mind, body, and spirit for a life of balance, fulfillment, and well-being.

By hosting this webinar, Ripple aims to provide participants with actionable insights and strategies to enhance their holistic wellness journey, fostering a sense of empowerment, connection, and positive change within their community.

Approx. Webinar Duration: Approximately 60-75 minutes (including Q&A)

Sample Agenda (Customizable):

1. Introduction (5 minutes)

   - Welcome participants and introduce the webinar's purpose.

   - Briefly introduce Kevin Masek and his background as a physician and wellness coach.

2. Understanding Holistic Wellness (10 minutes)

   - Define holistic wellness and its significance in achieving overall well-being.

   - Emphasize the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit in promoting health.

3. Challenges in High-achiever Wellness (10 minutes)

   - Discuss the unique challenges faced by High-achieving individuals in their pursuit of holistic wellness.

   - Highlight the importance of creating an inclusive and safe space for well-being.

4. Setting Personal Wellness Goals (10 minutes)

   - Guide participants in setting personalized wellness goals that align with their authentic selves.

   - Emphasize the power of self-discovery and authenticity in the wellness journey.

5. Holistic Lifestyle Strategies (20 minutes)

   - Explore evidence-based strategies for nurturing the mind, body, and spirit:

     - Mind: Introduce mindfulness, meditation, and stress management techniques.

     - Body: Discuss nutrition, physical activity, and the importance of self-care.

     - Spirit: Explore practices like gratitude and self-reflection for emotional well-being.

6. Q&A Session (10 minutes)

   - Open the floor to participants' questions about holistic wellness, health, and well-being strategies.

7. Creating Your Ripple of Positive Change (5 minutes)

   - Inspire participants to take action based on what they've learned.

   - Encourage them to embrace their unique journey and create a ripple effect in their lives and communities.

8. Closing Remarks and Next Steps (5 minutes)

   - Summarize key takeaways from the webinar.

   - Provide information about further resources, coaching programs, and upcoming events.

Public Speaking

Contact Kevin for details and to discuss event specifics.